Childcare News

Co-payment tool resources on the Early Years Hive

Co-payment tool resources on the Early Years Hive

In November, a new co-payment tool was launched on the Early Years Hive. You can access the co-payment tool under individual child registrations for ECCE and NCS by expanding the yellow dropdown arrow on the registration and selecting ‘Co-payment Tool’. The co-payment...

Christmas and New Year Payment Dates

Christmas and New Year Payment Dates

Dear Service Provider, Please see the below payment dates for early year’s programmes over the Christmas and New Year’s weeks:  Payment DateProgramme17/12/2021NCS, CCSP, AIM L724/12/2021NCS, AIM L731/12/2021NCS, AIM L707/01/2022ECCE, NCS, CCSP, AIM L7  Many...

​Note to providers on Force Majeure

​Note to providers on Force Majeure

Force Majeure in ELC and SAC services is a mechanism under which service providers can be given permission to close and continue to receive funding under ECCE, the NCS or the Saver schemes.  Providers can apply for force majeure funding to Pobal.  The forms...

Childminding Difference webinar

Childminding Difference webinar

See below the link for the Childminding Difference webinar that took place on Tuesday 16th November. It is located on the School of Education website The Childminding Difference Webinar Prof. Nóirín...



NCCA are currently in Phase 1 of the updating Aistear process where we’re asking the early childhood sector two very important questions (1) What is working well with Aistear and (2) How might it be enhanced and updated. As Aistear is now nearly 12yrs old, we value...

Co-payment tool webinar and how-to guide

Co-payment tool webinar and how-to guide

Co-payment tool webinar and how-to guide (originally posted 05/11)Dear Service Provider, Training webinars on the new co-payment tool on the Early Years Hive will be held on the below dates. Please click on the relevant link and time to register your...

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