Childcare News
Compliance Guides for Service Providers
The Compliance Guides for Service Providers are now available on the PIP Portal and the Hive. They have been separated into two different guides as follows: Compliance Guide for Service Providers for Saver Programmes (CCSP Savers programme including CCSU/CCSR and TEC...
NCS: Update to NCS Registrations Quick Guide page on the Early Years Hive
Further to last Monday’s announcement on the need to review NCS CHICKs/Awards on the Early Years Hive as they may be ending soon, we are happy to say that the NCS Registrations Quick Guide section of the Hive has been updated to assist you with this task. On this...
2020/2021 Compliance Announcement – Desk based checks
On the direction of the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY) formerly DCYA, the Pobal Compliance team are commencing compliance activity on programme funding currently administered to Early Learning and Care (ELC) and School Age...
NCS: CHICKs/Awards ending on the Early Years Hive
November marks one year since the launch of NCS. As such, some 52-week CHICKs/awards on NCS will be ending soon. To check the end date of your NCS registrations’ CHICK/award, log into the Early Years Hive portal and follow the below steps: Go to the Registrations menu...
Savers Management Window
The Savers Management Window was opened to allow service providers to create registrations for the 2020/2021 programmes for CCSP and TEC and to make necessary amendments to existing registrations for CCSP 2019 and TEC 2019. This is a reminder that the window is due to...
CPD Payments
CPD Payments were issued on Friday 23rd of October to all services for participants who partially completed Hanen ‘Teacher Talk’ and Aistear and Play CPD trainings between the 1st of January and the 11th of March. Payments are based on the number of training sessions...
Reminder: AIM Level 1 LINC Applications
Reminder: The application process for all qualified LINC Co-Ordinators is now open on the Early Years Hive. Any applications received by 31st October 2020 will be provided with the additional capacitation from the employment start date of the LINC Co-ordinator....
NCS: Mid-term Break Updates to Service Calendar and Non-Term Hours
As the majority of schools are closed due to the mid-term break the week of 26th October, it may be necessary to make the following changes on your Early Years Hive portal. NCS Service Calendar If your service is closed for part or all of the week, you must mark the...
Higher Capitation Preliminary Payments to ELC Providers in RECEIPT of Higher Capitation in 2019/2020
Dear Service Provider, Service Providers who are in receipt of a Higher Capitation preliminary payment and whose application status is ‘Awaiting Appraisal’ or ‘Referred Back’ (@ Tues 13/10/2020) will retain the funding until the service is either approved Higher...
Reminder: AIM Level 1 LINC Applications
Dear Service Provider, Reminder: The application process for all qualified LINC Co-Ordinators is now open on Hive. Any application received by 31st October 2020 will be provided the additional capitation from the beginning of the programme year. Applicants are...