Processing of Department of Children and Youth Affairs (DCYA) Childcare Funding Programme Contracts for the 2016-2017 ‘Programme Call’ will begin shortly.
The process this year will differ from previous years. As notified to service providers in previous funding programme contracts, contract agreements for the DCYA Childcare Funding Programmes will be processed through the Programmes Implementation Platform (PIP).
- What does this mean?
This means that when the time comes to ‘sign’ contracts for the funding programmes, this will be done online where service providers will certify that all their details are correct and will agree to the terms and conditions of the programme(s).
- How will this work?
As existing service providers using the PIP System will know, efforts have been made to ensure that the correct person authorised to sign contracts on behalf of the organisation has been identified and has provided a unique email address for their sole use. However as we move to the online contracting process, we now need to confirm and update the identity and secured access for the correct person, which will be known as the PRIMARY AUTHORISED USER on PIP. Once the PRIMARY AUTHORISED USER has been assigned, they will be able to proceed to contract online.
- How do I prove my identity in order to process a contract online?
STEP 1– Ensure you are currently recorded as a PIP USER (i.e. have a password to manage PIP Child registrations etc) – if you are not, please complete the PIP USER Mandate form and submit it
STEP 2- Your local City/County Childcare Committee (CCC) will contact you in the near future to confirm:
- a) that you are already a PIP User and
- b) you are the person legally authorised to sign-up to the DCYA Childcare Funding Programmes for your organisation
Your CCC may request that you present to the CCC Office with photographic ID (i.e. passport/drivers licence). In some cases your CCC may also search your details on the CRO website to confirm that you are in fact legally authorised to sign-up to DCYA Childcare Funding for the organisation.
STEP 3- Once step two is complete your CCC will confirm for you that they will be in a position to approve you as the PRIMARY AUTHORISED USER* on PIP.
*The approval of the CCC will only need to happen once for the PRIMARY AUTHORISED USER. If the PRIMARY AUTHORISED USER continues to remain in place over a number of years then in subsequent years you will only need to certify on PIP that you are the authorised person. In the event that your circumstances change steps 1-3 may need to be repeated. If the service facility details change then you may need to contact your CCC to engage as a ‘brand new service’.
STEP 4- You will then ‘nominate’ yourself on the PIP System as the PRIMARY AUTHORISED USER, after which your CCC will approve this on the PIP System (Instructions to be provided in the near future).
Once Steps 1 – 4 are complete:
As the PIP PRIMARY AUTHORISED USER, you will be the person authorised to manage the programme contracts online. Your permissions on the PIP System will allow you certain controls for the organisation that the other PIP Users will not have e.g. you will be able to access your tax clearance details, financial/bank details, authorising user access rights against each of the facilities/services registered under the organisation.
- When will I actually process my funding programme contract on the PIP System?
– At the end of July 2016 the PIP System will be ready for you to manage the programme contracts online. You must have completed Steps 1-4 in advance.
– This process will require you to certify that all of the organisation contact details are correct on the system.
– The process will then require that for each service/facility of your organisation (if multiple), the contact details are certified as correct on the system.
– The contract text for each childcare funding programme will be provided on PIP. You will be required to certify that you have read and agree to the terms and conditions of the programme and that you wish to ‘activate’ the contract for that facility. Note: A copy of the programme contract texts will be available for service providers to view shortly.
- I will be the PIP PRIMARY AUTHORISED USER for my organisation but I have multiple services/facilities across different CCC areas – which CCC do I confirm my identity to?
Please contact the CCC in which your Head Office is located.
- I will be the PIP PRIMARY AUTHORISED USER for a large organisation or as part of a legal partnership and would like others/my business partner to be able to ‘manage’ the PIP Funding Programme Contracts on my behalf – is this allowed?
For PIP management and communication purposes there can only be one PIP PRIMARY AUTHORISED USER however where a legal partnership is involved or in the case of very large organisations (i.e. 5 or more services/facilities) then, at your request, the Department of Children and Youth Affairs mayauthorise that a ‘secondary authorised user’ is added to the system to act on your behalf and assist in ‘managing’ the online contract process etc.
Please be aware that ‘secondary authorised users’ will have all of the same access permissions as the PIP Primary Authorised User on the system i.e. bank details, tax clearance etc.
The PIP System will however issue confirmation emails with regard to any changes/significant activities on the system to the PIP Primary Authorised User’s email address.
If you wish to have a ‘secondary user’ please speak to your CCC and they will advise you on how to manage this process.
I am a NEW Service Provider wishing to participate in the DCYA Childcare Funding Programmes – how can I do this?For new entrants (i.e. services/facilities that do not have a DCYA reference number):A. From Wednesday 25th May 2016 – Contact your local City/County Childcare Committee for an application form for the childcare funding programme you wish to participate in.B. Your CCC will request that you complete the application form in full and provide any supporting documentation required. C. Once your CCC is satisfied that all the details are in order they will issue your application to the Department of Children and Youth Affairs. D. The Department of Children of Youth Affairs will check the application and once in agreement that you can participate in the childcare funding programme(s) they will issue an instruction to Pobal to set your organisation/service up on the Programmes Implementation Platform (PIP). E. A PIP Username and Password will be issued to you (your unique email address with sole access by you). F. Once you receive your password you can then proceed to follow Steps 3 and 4 as above. |
Please be advised that a communication in relation to theNew Fees Policy and Service Calendar Process will be issued in the near future.