Dear Provider,
Further to our recent correspondence concerning upcoming provider surveys, please find attached here the survey questions for early learning and care and school-age childcare providers usually closed in July and August. This survey will be administered by phone with the support of Pobal and Better Start. Calls to providers that normally close in July and August will begin later this week. In order to support providers to gather the information they may need to participate in this survey, a copy of the survey is attached. Providers that cannot be reached by phone will be sent a link to the survey for self-completion.
In addition, with the purpose of obtaining the views of the sector on the re-opening of services, the Department has opened a Call for Submissions. The Call for Submissions opened today (26 May) and will remain open until 5 June. The Call for Submission form can be accessed through the following link
The information from this survey and the call for submissions will provide the Department with important and up to date information regarding services and will inform re-opening plans. Therefore, your participation is strongly encouraged and appreciated.    
The Minister and the Department will meet with the Advisory Group again later today and it is expected further updates will be circulated following this meeting.
Early Years Division.
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