Accredited Training
An accredited qualification is one which is recognized nationally and internationally as a quality assured award. In Ireland, all accredited awards can be mapped on the National Qualifications Framework, which is a 10 level framework.
For further information in relation to Early Years DCEDIY Recognized Qualifications for the purposes of meeting the minimum qualification requirement in the pending Early Years Regulations.
Training Calendar 2024
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Events for January
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Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
Events for January
National Framework for Qualifications (NFQ)
The National Framework for Qualifications was developed by Quality and Qualifications Ireland ( The NFQ provides a structure, a framework, by which all education and training can be included and compared. The 10 Levels capture all learning, from the very initial stages to the most advanced. The ‘fan diagram below ‘illustrates the 10 levels and the ‘Major Award types’ accommodated in it.
Awarding Bodies An awarding body has the legal authority to make an award in recognition of your learning and there are a number of these in Ireland who have had their qualifications included in the NFQ.
Awarding bodies include:
Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) – the awarding body for all further education and training awards included in the NFQ from Levels 1 to 10. A list of QQI recognised providers can be found on
Institutes of Technology (IoT) operate to make awards under delegated authority at Levels 6 to 10 in the NFQ.
Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT) makes awards from Levels 6 to 10 in the NFQ
Universities make awards at Levels 7 to 10 on the NFQ.
Recognition of qualifications awarded in another country.
If you hold a foreign qualification and wish to place it into the context of the Irish qualifications system, you can refer to the NARIC Ireland Foreign Qualifications Database Here. If a particular qualification is not included in the database, you can a contact for assistance.
Always Children First: Foundation Training
Always Children First Foundation training is a standardised programme for all staff and volunteers providing services to children and families and it is run in line with current legislation, guidance and national policy. Sligo County Childcare Committee runs Child Protection Training for staff working in the childcare sector in Sligo to provide:
- A basic knowledge of Children First 2011
- Know how to recognise child protection and welfare concerns
- Know how to respond appropriately to child protection and welfare concerns
- Understand the importance of agencies having effective child protection policies, procedures and practices
Developing a Child Protection & Welfare Policy
Please click on the link below to view the newly developed guide to assist childcare services in developing their Child Protection and Welfare Policy: Tusla
Cosaint Leanaí
National Child Safeguarding Programme Early Learning and Care
Children First E-Learning Programme
E-Learning : Introduction to Children First: Everyone in the sector including all owners, boards of management and Early Years staff are being asked to complete the E-Learning : Introduction to Children First online course.
The course provides introductory information on child protection and mandated reporting.
- Recognising and reporting child abuse;
- The role of mandated persons;
- The responsibilities of organisations working with children to safeguard children;
- The role of designated liaison persons.
In order to attend Sligo CCC Always Children First: Foundation Training, we require a copy of the E-learning certificate which can be completed at the following link
First 5 Training
The DCEDIY has launched a new webpage where you will find free, online CPD resources, developed and made available through the cooperation of a number of agencies. The resources are designed to support service planning and practitioners’ professional development. Further free, online CPD resources will be added to the web-page over the coming days and weeks.
The webpage includes templates for recording CPD activities carried out, to support services to demonstrate compliance with the requirement of the DCEDIY Temporary Covid-19 Wage Subsidy Childcare Scheme that services should engage, where possible, in training and CPD during the closure period.
Further Information
The Tusla website provides further information under the following areas: